Friday, July 12, 2019

Are White People Too Stupid To Survive?

Source: The Seeker

By Paul Craig Roberts | July 11, 2019

There is a strong case that they are. Having been demonized for many years and intimidated from defending themselves, white people are now intentionally discriminated against by the racial "minorities" (actually vast world majorities) of the people they have been pressured to elevate above them. Once the "oppressed" are put in charge by dumbshit whites, the whites are really oppressed.

Heterosexuals or straights are also demonized and bullied. White males are portrayed as rapists, but no one is permitted to say that about the flood of illegal Third World migrants that have overrun Europe and the US. When young white girls 10 years old are gang-raped by the migrants, it is "racist" to complain. Everywhere in the Western world, what little is left of it, the political leaders have abandoned the white populations. We only have traitors.

No one anywhere in the Western World represents the white populations except demonized leaders like Marine Le Pen, who the French government wants to imprison. As she represents French people, she is considered to be a Nazi.

Trump intended to do something for the dispossessed whites who elected him, but he is too much under Israel's control to be able to help Gentiles

[Image right: Richard Carranza] New York City's white mayor, Bill de Blasio, appointed a Mexican to head the New York schools. The first thing the Mexican did was to fire the white female executives and to impose an educational policy that discriminates against white kids.

Despite scandal after scandal and costly law suit after law suit, the white mayor clings to Richard Carranza, the Mexican, because he realizes that whites have no organized cohesion and therefore no political power.

I have written before about Carranza and his anti-white campaign as chancellor of New York's public schools. If you have any interest to wake up to your own demise, here are reports from the New York Post:

In far away Russia Vladimir Putin—the only leader the West has—has noticed that the Western peoples are being browbeat into submission to their enemies—the migrants that have overrun them. Apparently, there is no fight left in white people. They allow their historic memorials to be taken down, historic murals to be painted over, and submit to the brainwashing that has reduced white people to political impotence.

A professor in Denmark who was a brainwashed multiculturalist has had the light dawn on his foolishness from the destruction of public safety in Denmark. He says it is time to build a wall around what is left of Europe:

Whites, a majority of America's poor, were being charged double the price of 'minorities' to attend a musical performance. Try to imagine charging blacks double the price of white admission.

The weird and unnatural LGBTQ movement is a tiny minority of the population in the Western world. Yet this insignificant group calls the shots when it comes to sex education and to the recruitment of young children into the ranks of the abnormal. The Western world stands for this and the Dutch are even trying to legalize pedophilia.

"Diversity" has become a code word for white genocide:

Exceptional? Yes, America is exceptional in its dissolution. As for being indispensable, nothing is more dispensable than the Western world. Twenty years from this date, there will be no "Western World."

Would readers like the best example we can think of as "dumbshit whites?" Read this from MPN:

Source: Mint Press News

The Untold Story of Christian Zionism's Rise to Power in the United States 

Well before Theodore Herzl founded political Zionism and published The Jewish State, Christian Zionists in the United States and England were already seeking to direct and influence the foreign policy of both nations in service to a religious obsession end times prophecy

by Whitney Webb | July 12, 2019

The largest pro-Israel organization in the United States is not composed of Jews, but of Christian evangelicals, with a total membership of 7 million, more than 2 million more members than the entirety of the American Jewish community.

Members of this organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), met in Washington on Monday, attracting thousands of attendees and featuring speeches from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Secretary of State and former CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Vice President Mike Pence, and National Security Advisor John Bolton. CUFI’s leader, controversial evangelical preacher John Hagee, has met with President Donald Trump several times and was recently part of an exclusive White House meeting in March on the administration's upcoming "peace plan" for Israel and Palestine.

CUFI is but one of many organizations throughout American history that have promoted the state of Israel and Zionism on the grounds that a Jewish ethnostate in Palestine is a requirement for the fulfillment of end-times prophecy and necessary for Jesus Christ to return to Earth — an event Christians often refer to as "the Second Coming."

While organizations like CUFI and its predecessors have long seen the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, and the later Israeli victory and conquest of Jerusalem in 1967, as the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, there is one prophecy that this sect of evangelical Christians believes is the only thing standing between them and the Second Coming. There are estimated to be more than 20 million of these Christians, often referred to as Christian Zionists, in the United States and they are a key voting bloc and source of political donations for the Republican Party.

As was explored in previous installments of this series, these Christian Zionists, much like religious Zionist extremists in Israel, believe that the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock must be replaced with a Third Jewish Temple in order to usher in the end times.

These two groups of different faiths, since the 19th century, have repeatedly formed an opportunistic alliance in order to ensure the fulfillment of their respective prophecies, despite the fact that members of the other faith are rarely if ever on the same page in their interpretations of what occurs after the temple's construction.

This alliance, based on a mutual obsession with hastening the coming of the Apocalypse, continues to this day and now, more than at any other time in history, these groups have reached the heights of power in both Israel and the United States. Parts I and II of this exclusive series explored how this branch of religious Zionism has come to dominate the current right-wing government of Israel and has led Israel's current government to take definitive steps towards the destruction of the Al Aqsa mosque and the imminent construction of a Third Temple.

Now this installment (Part III) will show how this movement's Christian counterpart in the United States, Christian Zionism, has likewise become a dominant force in American politics, particularly following the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, where this apocalyptic vision is a major driver behind his administration's Middle East policy.

Yet, this fire-and-brimstone vision of the end times has long been a guide for prominent figures in American history and the American elite, even predating Zionism's founding as a political movement. Thus, Christian Zionism's influence on Trump administration policy is merely the latest of a long list of examples where prophecy and politics have mixed in American history, often with world-altering results.

Please go to Mint Press News to read the entire article.

We couldn't find two better examples of blacks having "better organized political power over whites" in America then the following. We guess they might have come out of America's remarkable world class public school system New York City's white mayor, Bill de Blasio wants to improve on by appointing the Mexican Richard Carranza to head New York's public schools.

Disneyland Fight Brawl

Moment mob of shoplifters overrun Wisconsin outlet store and steal $30,000 worth of clothes 

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