Saturday, October 1, 2016

AD Private Intel Group: US DoJ Asset Forfeiture Fund - Thomas J. Smolich, Vatican Jesuit at Georgetown University - Trump Knows Hillary and FBI Comey Profited Billions 9/11 - Money Changes FBI Director Comey's Mind - AD as a Conduit and Clearinghouse for Exposure - Felons Inside the DoJ

My name is Field McConnell and my sister, Kristine Marcy, is Hillary Clinton's handler. She, in turn, is handled by Thomas J. Smolich, Vatican Jesuit at Georgetown University in DC. My sister started US DOJ Asset Forfeiture Fund with Eric Holder in 1984 and she and her US DOJ Pride co-felons are a major reason why our country is in such peril. In addition to these evils she also was the creater (spelled differently than creator) of the United States Senior Executive Service.

Here are two recent radio offerings of our private intel group, Abel Danger:


Abel Danger SMACKS DOWN Barry Soetoro as Trump Knows Hillary and FBI Comey Profited Billions 9/11 by Cloud Centric (C2) Crime Scene Investigation


Trump Knows Who Authorized Extortion 17 Murders by Cloud Centric (C2) Crime Scene Investigation

I am apolitical because I am aware of how it works. However, I believe that Hillary and Comey must be exposed and removed.

After you vet me if you wish to offer ideas we, Abel Danger, are interested in listening and learning. Thank you for your service and your letter to CashCow Comey. He and my sister Kristine Marcy need to be dealt with.

If my sister had given Comey $100M out of the HSBC $1.9B his behavior may be understood more easily. How would rank and file FBI employees feel if they thought Kristine Marcy put $100M in Panama for him?

If there is indeed a 'long list' please let that list know that I am a conduit and clearinghouse for exposure IAW Ephesians 5:11. In 10 years I have never burned a source.

Field McConnell
Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC)
715 307 8222

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