Sunday, December 15, 2013

Designing Fascist Systems - Maximizing Profits - Collusion and Racketeering Between Elected Officials and Business Leaders - FBI Punishes Political Crimes - Private Intelligence Agencies

Source: Channelling Reality

The Organization of Power

Part 3

Ideas for change over time reveal themselves to be part of a strategic plan at the point of fruition - the point when the plan is well-formed enough to be able to see the elements in a forward and backward direction. In other words, we see how we got here and we can see where we are going. In the United States, we are headed for a system of government management of everything. It is a fascist-designed system to maximize profits by shifting costs to others - especially the taxpayers. In political terms, it is a fascist system - merger of corporate and government power. In economic terms, it is communism.

The communist system of management is most apparent in the recent government takeover of the health insurance business through the clever conceptualization of the word "market". Obama Care is styled as a "market-based" system but what that really means is computer-based IT Management System and that system manages all entities involved in the business of health care - consumers and providers alike.

The government takeover of the health care business is just one indicator of the move to a communist system of management. There is another, less obvious indicator right in your own local area. Fortunately, there is one person whose activities, upon examination, reveal the communist management systems. His name is Doug Henton and he is CEO of a consulting firm called Collaborative Economics (big hint for you in the name).

Doug Henton is on the Advisory Board of The Alliance for Regional Stewardship. The Alliance is an affiliate organization of the executives of the Chamber of Commerce. Regional Stewards are the fascist participants in the network of soviets (committees and commissions) that establish themselves - in "partnership" with your local elected officials to manage the economy and resources of your region. Notice I didn't say state, county or city. This is because a region is an area that crosses legal, jurisdictional boundaries. In simple terms, it is a gray area in terms of our traditional legal structure and because of that, regional rule-making can only be done by gentleman's agreement, the "partnership", which gives space for the communist soviets to work outside of the system to manage the inside of the system. Quite simply, it is collusion and racketeering between elected officials and business leaders in a community with bribe money coming from the federal government in the form of grants given to the soviet commissars - the so-called Stewards.

Excerpts from the page with the History of the Alliance for Regional Stewardship:
While everyone has been impacted by the economic crisis, some regions are feeling the brunt of the storm while others are weathering through. Just as severity of the crisis is being felt unequally, so to will growth will return unequally. The regions that are best aligned to tackle major issues such as transportation, education, land use planning and workforce will emerge faster and grow stronger. ARS wants to help ensure your community is poised for a return to prosperity.
The ARS Network is for proven and aspiring regional leaders who recognize that economic competitiveness, a sustainable quality of life, and strong communities are all connected. ARS supports these leaders and their efforts by helping them learn about effective practices from other regions, develop their own civic leadership skills, and design and carry out strategies for breakthrough results.
Our History
In May 2000, 50 leaders from regions around the US gathered in Kohler, Wisconsin to explore the creation of a national network that would support regional initiatives and regional results.
A principal inspiration for the creation of the Alliance was the life and legacy of John W. Gardner, former HEW Secretary, founder of Common Cause and civic leader and author for more than five decades. In a tribute to Gardner on his death in 2002, national columnist Neal Peirce noted Gardner's interest in regional organizing and initiatives, writing: "Gardner saw limits both in federal power and local activism. He became intrigued with metropolitan regions as the arena in which critical collaborations--for the economy, environment, social issues--must be forged, through expanded networks of responsibility.'
Gardner had a clear vision for the future of metropolitan leadership. To succeed, regional efforts 
Launched on the tide of Gardner's life and inspiration, in its first six years the Alliance achieved notable success in helping regional leaders drive regional solutions. With seed funding from several national foundations, including Packard, Heinz, and MacArthur, the Alliance has brought together more than 1,500 regional leaders in 13 National Forums, published 11 monographs on subjects ranging from achieving regional equity to strengthening regional governance, developed new platforms of web-based networking for regional leaders, and provided consulting and advice to initiatives and civic campaigns in 16 regions across the country.
John W. Gardner was the architect of the Great Society programs of the 1960s. After Kennedy was assassinated and LBJ became the president, LBJ appointed Gardner as the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. The odd thing about it was that Gardner was allegedly a Republican. Interestingly, he was given a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964 by LBJ.

In the description above, a columnist named Neil Pierce was mentioned. Neil Pierce is Chairman and Founder of a group called The Citistates Group. In their description, it says the following (emphasis added):
Citistate is the name Neal Peirce and Curtis Johnson coined in 1993 to describe how metropolitan regions have begun to operate in the late 20th century.
A citistate isn’t defined by political boundaries. Instead, it’s organic. A citistate is reality — a labor market, a commute-shed, a broadcast area, the circulation area of the lead newspaper. A citistate is what the economy does.
Citistates would have made little sense under the old paradigm of American thinking — “ federal, state, local.” But they emerge as the centerpiece of a new paradigm — “global, regional, and neighborhood.” Citistates have become the focus of how our world is now organizing itself.
..As economic actors, major U.S. citistates compete in size with major world nations. In gross product, the New York region ranks 13th among the world’s top economies, just ahead of Australia, Argentina and Russia. The Los Angeles citistate is bigger than Korea, Chicago greater than Taiwan or Switzerland, Washington ahead of Hong Kong, while Minneapolis-St. Paul exceeds Israel. And according to figures compiled by Standard & Poor’s DRI division for the US Conference of Mayors and National Association of Counties, the US’s 314 metro regions are clearly the economic drivers, providing 84 percent of new jobs, 95 percent of high-tech jobs, 88 percent of the country’s income. 
Citistates’ importance was enlarged by the rapid flowering of the Internet and the digital revolution, together with the dramatic rise in global commerce. The challenge of the 21st century is to harness such forces, and civic will, for strategic regional planning. Because to compete in the emerging global economy, citistates have no choice: to prosper they must mobilize all their skills to protect their center cities, grow smarter, protect their air and water, achieve more social equity, and train their workforce to excel in an increasingly competitive world marketplace.
It would be easy to dismiss Neil Pierce as a lunatic except for the fact of an international conference of Mayors that was held in Lyon, France. I first reported it on this webpage on International Cities about 7 years ago.
Aspen Transatlantic Mayors Summit April 6-8

In cooperation with the U.S. Embassies in Berlin and Paris, the Aspen Institute France, the Aspen Institute Berlin and the U.S. Conference of Mayors held a conference on "Smart Growth - Problems of Urban Development in the 21st Century." Mayors from the U.S., Germany and France met for three days in Lyon France to discuss how globalization affects urban development. The summit also included experts on urban planning and development from international organizations, research institutions, and think tanks. 
The mayors agreed that their own role is changing as a result of globalization. They are no longer the traditional city planners of the past 100 years, but rather ombudsmen and innovative leaders of important communities and regions. Mayors can no longer afford to deal only with local stakeholders. They conduct their own foreign policy in an environment that sets local issues on the agenda of local politics. Ambassador John Kornblum strongly encouraged mayors to ignore the admonishments of foreign ministries not to engage in foreign affairs. For the good of their citizens, mayors will increasingly enter the international arena and become global players. The network resulting from the Aspen Transatlantic Summit series provides a forum for a sustainable international dialogue among mayors to discuss common challenges, exchange best practices, and promote international understanding. 
The issue which generated the most intense discussion was the question of how to successfully assimilate immigrants and minorities into existing communities. What is the recipe for a multicultural society? All present agreed that this was one of the most important issues facing them today and in the future, and that this topic should be the focus for the next summit meeting in Berlin in 2001. Aspen Institute Berlin has begun coordination for the second volume in the three-part series, which takes place under the umbrella of the New Traditions Network (READ IT)
Founding Partners of the New Traditions Network
* * * * *
Lyon, France: Webb Opens First Transatlantic Summit of Mayors 

"The Twenty-First Century will be the Century of Cities," Conference President Emphasizes
"If the nineteenth century was the century of empires and the twentieth century the century of nation states, then the twenty-first century will be the century of cities," said Conference President and Denver Mayor Wellington E. Webb, opening the historic first Transatlantic Summit of Mayors in Lyon, France, April 6-8.
The Summit, created by Ambassador Felix G. Rohatyn, U. S. Ambassador to France, and J. Thomas Cochran, Conference of Mayors Executive Director, brought about thirty German, French, and U.S. Mayors together to discuss key issues of globalization and their impact on the world's cities. In Mayor Webb's words, "The century we have just entered will be the century of cities, reflecting a renewed faith in cities and a rediscovery of the vitality and richness that has long characterized our great urban centers.
"We are facing a new era, owing in large measure to a remarkable confluence of events as the forces of commerce, culture, technology, and political reconciliation create unprecedented opportunity for all our citizens," Mayor Webb said. "Our cities will be both the heart and soul of this historic and global transformation." And "globalization gives us new opportunities for partnership," he stressed.
U.S. Delegation Members
In addition to Mayor Webb, the U.S. delegation included Mayors Victor H. Ashe of Knoxville, past President of the Conference of Mayors; H. Brent Coles of Boise, Conference Vice President; James A. Garner of Hempstead, Conference Trustee; Clarence Harmon of St. Louis; David W. Moore of Beaumont; Marc H. Morial of New Orleans, Chair, Advisory Board, Conference of Mayors; Donald L. Plusquellic of Akron; Susan Savage of Tulsa; Sharon Sayles Belton of Minneapolis; and J. Thomas Cochran, Executive Director of the Conference of Mayors.
 Knoxville Mayor Victor Ashe underscored the theme of interdependence: "I have been struck today," he said, "by the fact that if we remove our language differences, we see that the issues we mayors face in common go across both continents and across all counties. Mayor Ashe pointed out the power and potential of the Internet: "The Internet will change society," he noted. The issue is "how to harness changes brought about by the Internet and make it serve people." Mayor Ashe also noted that it is much cheaper for him to fly to Europe than to San Francisco or to Seattle. New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial: "You Can't Be a Mayor Today Without Having Your Own Foreign Policy."
Just to recap how all of this fits together:

Boise Valley Economic Partnership

2010 - Regional Soviet of Commissars - aka Fascists

Where ever you are living in the United States, you'll find this organization of power - the fascist soviet operating in the background. This is the Communist method of organization and means of exercising power and control. They've designed an economic system that serves only their interests - the interests of business and their network.

The reason they've been able to carry out their subversion of our government this far along is because they operate in the gray area between federal and state law, between state and county/city law and statutes. Our local Sheriffs and police departments focus on crime - felony and petty. The FBI focuses on white collar crime. There are no law enforcement agencies - nor any intelligence agencies that focus on protection of our political system.

You might want to have some red T-Shirts made up that say 'Soviet Commissar' printed on the front and deliver them as Christmas presents for your regional soviet.

Vicky Davis
December 15, 2013


Organization of Power - Part 1

Organization of Power - Part 2


  1. How do you stop something this pervasive? They're such fools. I bet most have no idea what they're involved in.

  2. Many a true word....... Rember, Stalin (with the help of the Tavistock insitute) coined the phrase "Usefull Idiots", Regionalisation. The PTB gifted the UN to Stalin


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