Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Australian Constitution is Invalid - Ex-Solicitor Wayne Leonard: Australia The Concealed Colony - Will Australia Declare National Independence From the Crown? - Awakening To the Truth

Source: Basic Fraud

The elected Government and the entire Judicial System of Australia are totally unlawful, fraudulent and invalid! 

"The continued usage of the Australian Constitution Act ( UK ) by the Australian Governments and the judiciary is a confidence trick of monstrous proportions played upon the Australian people with the intent of maintaining power. It remains an Act of the United Kingdom. After joining the League of Nations in 1919 Australia became a sovereign nation. It had no further legal power to use, alter or otherwise tamper with another nation’s legislation. Authority over the Australian Constitution Act lies not with the Australian government nor with the Australian people, it rests solely with the UK. Only they have the authority to repeal this legislation …" --The late Professor G. Clements, Eminent UK QC and emeritus Professor in Law at Cambridge University

The Australian constitution Wayne Leonard has discovered is in fact invalid. Australia is not a sovereign nation and remains a colony of the United Kingdom. This obviously has massive ramifications, most notably that it has never legally been a member of the United Nations because it is not in fact a nation meaning that all treaties involving Australia are void and invalid.



  1. Just Give Me That Sweeeeeeeet Inspiration. The Truth Will OUT.. Go GET EM LADS. Haaaaaaaaaaaaa. This stuff Kills ME.. :)

  2. This stuff kills millions

  3. Just cause he says so doesn't make it so. What about ?

  4. Also read
    Just cause someone has a story - no need worrying unnecessarily - plenty of real issues that you should be worried about!


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