Thursday, September 15, 2011

Michelle Obama - SOS Children’s Villages In Lockport, Illinois - Sexual Entrapment Center - VideoGuard-Encrypted Images - Extorted Boeing Directors

To those whom it may concern

September 15, 2011

Obama SOS Feminist Villages and VideoGuard 9/11 pedophile trade

Abel Danger believes that Crown Agents’ Feminist Sister Michelle Obama set up an SOS Children’s Villages in Lockport, Illinois in 1993 to serve as a sexual entrapment center where VideoGuard-encrypted images of pedophile encounters with SOS visitors were traded and used to extort Boeing directors' support for a phony move of the company's headquarters to Chicago in 2001 and the subsequent Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle propaganda attacks of 9/11.

Robert Hanssen - VideoGuard Pedophile Traps - Encrypted Images - JonBenet Ramsey Murder - SES Feminists - Extorted Father - 9/11 Attack

See #20
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

“After World War II, a young Austrian medical student named Hermann Gmeiner saw many children orphaned or abandoned. Often, their siblings were the only family they had left. To keep them together, Gmeiner started the first SOS Children's Villages. Since then, SOS Children Villages has grown to become the largest non-denominational children's care provider in the world. Today, 450 Villages in 132 nations are home to more than 60,000 children. SOS came to Illinois in 1993, when the Lockport Village opened. Today, the Lockport Village has 18 individual homes on a beautiful campus and a recreational community center. In 2004, SOS established the Chicago Village with 16 homes in the Auburn-Gresham community on the South Side. This is the first urban Village in the heart of a major city. A new community center serves both the Village and the surrounding neighborhood. Day care, family support services, job skills and counseling will enhance the lives of Village children, parents and neighbors”

“Boeing moves corporate headquarters to Chicago on September 4, 2001 [ready for bogus hijacking role in Global Guardian war game] Essay 5367 : Printer-Friendly Format .. The move is announced on March 21, 2001, and involves about 1,000 jobs. Chicago is chosen because it is "a location central to our operating units, customers and the financial community -- but separate from our existing operations" (Seattle P-I), according to Chief Executive Officer [and allegedly Obama’s SOS Feminist extorted man-in-the-middle] Phil Condit. Seattle had been Boeing's home since its founding in 1916. When the move was announced, Boeing embarked on a search for a location that would suit the firm, which in the preceding years had acquired other aerospace giants such as McDonnell Douglas. New York and Dallas were considered. On May 10, 2001, the company picked Chicago and rented a 36-story building on Riverside Drive in the downtown area. CEO Condit stated that the decision was not related to the recent power crisis or to an earthquake that struck the Northwest on February 28, 2001. Only the headquarters moved. Commercial airplanes, Boeing Capital Corp., Air Traffic Management, Connexion [VideoGuard synchronized Matrix 5 propaganda attacks of 9/11] by Boeing, Military Aircraft and Missile Systems, Space & Communications, and Phantom Works all remained in the Seattle area. At the time of the move, the company employed 78,400 people in the Seattle area and 198,900 people worldwide.”

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