Tuesday, May 17, 2011

CO2e.com Dictator Game - University of Calgary - 911 Insurance and Re-Insurance Frauds - Matrix 5 Communities - Insiders Profit

May 17, 2011

Dear Prime Minister Harper:

Use of Harper Flanagan CO2e dictator game in Trudeau-Marcy 911

Abel Danger believes that Crown Agents’ Sisters Lena Trudeau and Kristine Marcy used a CO2e.com dictator game – allegedly developed or tested by yourself and Tom Flanagan at the University of Calgary – to share proceeds of 911 insurance and re-insurance frauds with government insiders and senior bureaucrats in their Matrix 5 communities.

Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks

Napawash 911 Collaborators - Extorted Canadian Privy Councilors - Pedophile EW Pilot Russell Williams - Attempted Overthrow of US Government On 9/11

“The dictator game is a game in experimental economics, similar to the ultimatum game. Experimental results offer evidence against the rationally self-interested individual (sometimes called the homo economicus) concept of economic behavior, though precisely what to conclude from the evidence is controversial .. In the dictator game, the first player, "the proposer", determines an allocation (split) of some endowment (such as a cash prize). The second player, "the responder", simply receives the remainder of the endowment left by the proposer. The responder's role is entirely passive (the responder has no strategic input into the outcome of the game). As a result, the dictator game is not formally a game at all (as the term is used in game theory). To be a game, every player's outcome must depend on the actions of at least some others. Since the proposer's outcome depends only on his own actions, this situation is one of decision theory and not game theory. Despite this formal point, the dictator game is used in the game theory literature as a degenerate game. This game has been used to test the homo economicus model of individual behavior: if individuals were only concerned with their own economic well being, proposers (acting as dictators) would allocate the entire good to themselves and give nothing to the responder. Experimental results have indicated that individuals often allocate money to the responders, reducing the amount of money they receive.”

“ALBERTA GHG EMISSIONS TRADING SIMULATION September 5-6, 2001 – Calgary, Alberta, Canada FINAL REPORT A Tribute to Our Friends and Colleagues at CO2e.com Three of our friends and colleagues from our headquarters inside Cantor Fitzgerald on the 101st floor of One World Trade Center, New York, are lost following the disaster that struck on Tuesday 11 September 2001. Carlton Bartels, Adam White and John Willett were instrumental in planning and executing this Trading simulation. CO2e.com is a small, tightly knit team who all count each other as friends. This appalling event has left a huge hole our hearts. We have received hundreds of enquiries, offers of support and tributes from friends and colleagues of John, Adam and Carlton, which stand as a true testament to them. We thank you for your kind support. Please continue to visit www.CO2e.com as they move forward with their business in honour of those who worked so hard to help create it.  2001 Climate Change Central; CO2e.com LLC; Dr. Robert Oxoby, University of Calgary”

Our readers share values recognized by King Ethelred the Unready (c. 968 – 23 April 1016); a reputed founder of the Grand Jury system.

“Accuse no innocent; shelter no guilty”


1 comment:

  1. About that insurance thing:


    Seems this kind of thing is rife for exploitation by evil geniuses.


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