Friday, November 19, 2010

Abel Danger News: Volumes 1-4 - naked body scanners - Agent chips interviewed by Agent suky slicer - false flag - relationships - Hamish as queen

Fresh on the heels of our video product National TSA Opt Out Day, Abel Danger has deployed Agent Chips and Red Panther to London.

Volume 1 - False False

GW Bush and Barry Soetero conspire as Agent Chips reveals the truth of their relationships, if any, to 9/11.

Abel Danger New Volume 2 Agent Chips is interviewed by Agent Suky Slicer regarding airline flight attendant unions and the naked body scanners

Abel Danger Nightly News Volume 3

Abel Danger Chips is missing, Agent Bob Six from Howard Hughes Corporation needs to find the three players in the mystery missile launch and Agent Hamish dresses as the Queen of England to infiltrate the House of Windsor and Crown Agents. However, his panties were too uncomfortable.

Abel Danger News Volume 4

1 comment:

  1. uncomfortable panties perhaps he needs a codpiece with a box to protect his crown jewels in case he has a run in with the metropolitan gaystapo or miriam klegg from serco


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