Thursday, April 29, 2010

Glenn Beck Showcases Abel Danger Research

Glenn Beck covers the Joyce Foundation, Kellogg School of Management, CCX, RICHard Sandor, GIM, Blood, Gore, Goldman execs, Carlton Bartels CO2e trading patent, his death in 9/11 and Franklin Raines/Fannie Mae patent purchase. Thanks H H. Good work, Glenn!


  1. As you entertain yourself watching Glen Beck discuss evidence from the Abel Danger wrecking crew, be sure to understand how this 'analysis' being done by Beck is first and foremost to once again, pit the liberal - conservative clash of ideas.

    Climate legislation is about money and has absolutely nothing to do with climate change or global warming.

  2. Nice someone is lifting the lid on this GLO-BULL financial fraud.
    Waiting on a class action from CO2 emmiters against this scam.


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