Sunday, January 31, 2010

Captain Sherlock Pushes for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Trail to move to Fargo


Captain Sherlock has forced Obama to move the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (Al-Qaeda Teachers’ bomb maker) trial out of New York; we are going to push for it to come to Fargo where we filed Hawks CAFE v. Global Guardians.
David E. Klett, a retired professor of thermodynamics at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NCAT), had the real KSM in several of his classes. Asked about the photos of the person said to be the terror mastermind, Klett said, “I did not recognize that person. I never saw that face before.”
When you are at war, pay attention to what the enemy says when it is boasting after a successfull attack.

Bin Laden said after 9/11, ‘We have three independent networks to move al-Qaeda assets [e.g. the CUKC citizen Barry Soetoro] around the world and all the resources of the British and Americans cannot stop us.’

Dead or alive, OBL is a ‘virtual’ asset; information about him moves on an airborne (wireless) internet built in Canada for former FAA security boss, Charlotte Bryan (Charlotte’s Web!).

Charlotte’s Web was used to provide al-Qaeda guidance and control signals to illegally modified Boeings on 9/11 and trigger the Brown Balls cat bonds in London.

1 comment:

  1. What happened to you on the Micro Effect.. It does not seem like Wednesdays without you.


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